You Will Soon Witness a Miracle

A few days ago, we went for dinner at PF Changs, and at the end of our meal, they brought us fortune cookies. This was mine:

FortuneI have to admit, my faith has been stretched pretty thin the past several weeks, but seeing that little strip of paper reminded me to not give up in a moment when I was feeling pretty hopeless. Okay God, I’m listening. I won’t give up. I won’t lose faith.

You might recall that last month I posted the image below. I’m re-posting it because I’m seeing it in a different light now.  We saw this boulder on the drive between Temecula and Palm Springs. It says, “I’m Right Here. Don’t Let Me Go”. At the time, I thought it was a sign that my FET would be successful, but now I realize I needed reminding that it might not all go according to plan, but I’m not alone and I shouldn’t let go of my faith and hope. And now in the wake of another miscarriage, I get this fortune. If these aren’t a sign from a higher power, I don’t know what is. I know this journey isn’t going to be easy. It hasn’t been easy for a long time now. Five losses in 4 years with a failed FET in there are more than many would be able to handle, and I can’t deny that I was feeling pretty angry this past weekend. I also know it’s quite possible we’ll have several more losses before we get our miracle baby, but I really believe it happen eventually. Hopefully, sooner than later!


11 thoughts on “You Will Soon Witness a Miracle

  1. OMGee I LOVE PF CHANG’s! Seriously–their gluten-free menu makes me happy and I stop there e’ry time I take Mr. MLACS to the airport in the city. And they have the best fortunes. And I 100% agree that most people couldn’t walk in your shoes (and with such grace, I must add). I’ve never wanted an ordinary life for myself, so I have to admire your extraordinary journey–and I believe your fortune will come true 🙂 XOXO

    1. Aw thanks hon! I LOVE PF Changs too! You and your journey are absolutely extraordinary too hon. May that fortune come true for you too! For all of us! XO

  2. I think maybe you could be the miracle. Your strength, courage and heart are nothing short of amazing. Giant, boulder hugs to you. I can’t get enough of your practical positive outlook.

  3. God sends us hope in so many small ways like the fortune cookie and then He’ll send “in your face” messages like the boulder. I love how He works! I love that you shared this today. Keep the faith, you’ll have your sweet baby!

  4. God is so creative in the ways that He speaks to us. Thank you for posting this, and you are right: you are going to see a miracle! Although I’m sure you wish His timing were more on par with yours… His way is ALWAYS higher. Your faith is such an encouragement. Thank you.

  5. At a time when I am struggling with my own faith, thinking, I must not know how to pray, or maybe not praying enough, you show me how strong you are. Thank you God for giving me such an amazing Daughter.

    1. Mom, I don’t think anyone can pray as much or as faithfully as you do. It’s your constant and unwavering faith that has always inspired me and guided me to never let go of my own faith. I love you!

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