Just a Quick Update

I’ve been meaning to write an update about my other 2 appointments last week for the past few days, but work has been crazy and I’ve been sooo tired!

I’m 10 weeks 3 days pregnant today and the nausea and fatigue is still going strong. I’ve been going to bed really early every night and can’t seem to get enough rest right now. Praying this is all a really good sign!

Last week we had 3 appointments. There was our last appointment with our RE, Dr. K, on Wednesday which went well and I posted about in my previous post 9 Weeks 5 Days and All isΒ Good! Baby was measuring perfectly and moving his or her little arms around. It was amazing. This is the furthest we have gotten in pregnancy since I was pregnant with my son in 2009 and we all know how that one ended. So needless to say, this was a huge milestone! We left Dr. K with a big hug, and said good bye to her with a promise to keep her updated. This brought us to Thursday. We were finally done seeing Dr. K and ready to start seeing our regular OB, Dr. S. My hubby and I were bursting with excitement to see her while waiting in the waiting room. The last time we saw her was after loss # 3 when she referred us onto Dr. K for recurrent pregnancy loss. We had so much to catch her up on!

We weren’t the only ones excited by our appointment. Dr. S came in the room full of the light and energy I remembered her for and why I loved her so much. And she exuded joy and excitement at seeing us, and came right out and said how thrilled she was when she saw that we were scheduled in to see her and gave me the biggest hug ever. Another reason why I love her so much! It was an amazing appointment. She did another ultrasound because she wanted to record her own measurements and see baby for herself rather than just go by my chart. And it was just as amazing as the day before. Baby was perfect. Dr. S’ words, “everything looks perfect”Β πŸ™‚ She still didn’t use the doppler to record the heart rate though. She reiterated what Dr. K said that they’re not using the doppler in the first trimester anymore. I found this really interesting because many of my fellow bloggers have been posting their heart rates, so this is clearly not a universal protocol, but I’m trusting they have their reasons and just going with it πŸ™‚

We then talked about a couple practical things…

1. Travel
I had 2 trips scheduled this summer. One to see my family in Canada and another to visit my husband’s family in Chicago. Dr. S told me that while she would normally not even think twice about me traveling in my second trimester, she wanted me to stay put. She said she was giving me the “grandma advice” – basically anything your grandma would tell you not to do, I shouldn’t do. I know it seems a bit extreme, but with my history, she doesn’t want me to do anything that will make me more tired or subject me to any airborne illnesses. This is a valid concern, especially with my Canada trip because it was going to take 2 flights to get me there and then I was originally planning to drive from Western Canada to Eastern Canada to visit more family there, and then 3 flights to get back home to LA. It really was a lot. The Chicago trip is direct, but after discussing it with Dr. S at length, we decided that it’s best I stay grounded during this pregnancy. I’m very sad to be missing out on seeing family and friends that are far away this summer, but there will be other trips in the future and staying healthy for this pregnancy is the most important thing to me right now. I booked both trips with miles so I should be able to cancel the flights and save them for a later date, but even if I lose the miles, I don’t care. Baby comes first.

2. HELLP Syndrome
The other thing we talked about was my history with HELLP Syndrome with my first pregnancy. She had already talked with the Perinatologist we saw with my first pregnancy and they both agreed that I should start taking a baby aspirin every day. I guess there’s evidence that has shown that it can help prevent Preelampsia and HELLP Syndrome. I was a little scared to start taking it, because I don’t want to take anything (I haven’t even taken Tylenol for a headache), but they know what’s best, so I have now added it to my daily routine of prenatals and dha.

That pretty much sums up my appointment with Dr. S. We don’t see her again until July 15th. It’s hard to believe it will be so long! With having an appointment practically every week since this pregnancy began, that feels like a lifetime away right now, but we have our NT scan next week so we’ll get to see baby one more time between now and then.

This brings me to Friday’s appointment with the genetic counselor. We talked about our history and went over our options for prenatal screening. Due to my history with recurrent pregnancy loss and my age, we qualify for the MaterniT21 test or the generic version of it that Kaiser provides called Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT). It assesses the risk for Downs Syndrome, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13, and sex chromosome abnormalities. It will also tell us the baby’s sex. This is just a blood test so it’s very low risk to the baby and has a 99% accuracy for detecting Downs Syndrome, and a greater than 97% for detecting Trisomy 18. It’s a bit less accurate for detecting Trisomy 13 and sex chromosomes abnormalities, but all in all I think it’s worth doing the test. With our history, it’s good to have as much information as we can, so we will also have the Nuchal Translucency ultrasound done for added screening. Both the blood test and the NT scan are scheduled for June 18th at 11 weeks 4 days. We could actually do the blood test now, but the lab that does the NIPT blood work is located at the same center where the NT scan will be done so we have just decided to do both at the same time. If all is well with both these tests, we won’t do any further testing.

This is the most anxious I have been since I waited for that first ultrasound at 6 weeks. With my history, I can’t help worrying that there may be a serious abnormality. I have been telling myself over and over again that we caught a good egg and this baby is perfect, but the fears still creep in. We should have the result of the NT scan right away, but will have to wait a week to find out the result of the NIPT blood work. So the next couple weeks are going to be pretty nerve wracking. Please continue to pray for us and our little bean.

Thank you all so much again for your continued support. I cannot express in enough words how much it means to me!


32 thoughts on “Just a Quick Update

  1. Will be praying with everything I’ve got that it all turns out just perfect! Things are looking good I’m sure they’ll continue to be good. Big hugs!!

  2. Definately keeping you three in my prayers. I am so glad to hear about the awesome care you’re receiving. I hope some members of your family can come visit you during this pregnancy, though I know that’s not the same as travelling home to visit everyone you were hoping to see. Sending heaps of love and peaceful energy your way – everything is perfect, remember? Hang onto that fact as you wait out the next couple of weeks.

    1. Thanks so much hon <3 I know! I honestly don't know what I would do without these amazing doctors. It means so much to know they really care. I know this doesn't always happen.
      As for not traveling, I was kind of sad, but it's okay. Baby is so worth it and my mom was the first person who told me I should cancel my trips and said she would come see me instead and I think my SIL is planning to visit some time in the fall too so that will definitely make me feel a little less home sick, and with skype I can at least keep up with everyone else and see my nieces and nephews when I need to. What did we do before Skype?!

      Yes, everything is perfect. Baby is perfect. I think I've said this about a thousand time already so it must be true πŸ™‚

  3. I’m so excited for you!! Sorry you are still nauseous and tired, but definitely good signs! I know everything is going to turn out fine with the testing. And as for baby aspirin, I’ve been taking it since before I found out I was pregnant for Raynauds. My doc told me to keep on taking it through 12 weeks, so I’m sure it is fine. I will keep praying for you and little bit. I hope you will reveal the gender when you find out. So exciting!!! XO

    1. Thanks for reassuring me about the aspirin! and so much for your prayers! I will definitely let you all know the gender! It’s hard to believe I’ll know in a couple weeks!

  4. It sounds like your doctors are being very thorough, which is wonderful. Interesting about the heartbeats. My OB does them but who knows?! As for the baby aspirin, they are very common for women with clotting disorders to take so I wouldn’t worry about them too much.

    I remember being so stressed last time for my 12-week u/s and the Maternit21 results. Fingers crossed for you to have perfect results! Ours is on July 8th if things continue to look good between now and then.

    1. I know isn’t it strange about the heartbeats? It’s a really new protocol because they used the doppler with my last pregnancy. Either way, I’m sure it’s totally fine that your doctor does still use it in the first trimester. Everyone I know with healthy kids had a doppler in their first tri. Thank you for your reassurance and good wishes! I’m keeping everything crossed for you and your little one too!

  5. I’m so happy things are progressing well for you! That’s a bummer about the trips but there’s always time for that at a later date. Taking care of baby is definitely a priority! πŸ™‚

  6. So exciting!!!! And how cool is it that you get to have peace of mind after the testing AND find out the sex of the baby early?! πŸ™‚ Very cool. Ya, I was a bit disappointed that my dr doesn’t do the doppler until later too. I don’t have another appt for a whole month! That one will be doppler only, no ultrasound. While I’m excited to finally HEAR the heartbeat, I’d really love to see and hear the little one. But I’ll take what I can get! Can’t wait to hear how this pregnancy progresses for you. Congrats!!!!! πŸ™‚

    1. I know! I’m so excited to be finding out so soon! This test is really new and I’m still amazed that they can tell all of this from just a blood test! It’s crazy! It’s too bad you won’t get another scan at your next appointment, but hearing that heartbeat will be so amazing too! I will be thinking about you lots and praying all continues to go well!

  7. What a fun update! I’m sorry you’re missing your trips BUT it will all be worth it. Taking care of yourself and the baby is most important =) I’m glad your appointments have been going so well.

  8. Praying for you girl! Remember, you have full control over what thoughts you entertain so when a negative one comes in, tell it to sit down and shut up them replace it by saying something positive (like a scripture) out loud. πŸ™‚ Trust me, it works. That’s how Jesus got the devil to shut up when he was in the desert. Lol!!

  9. I will be sending you lots of positive vibes and well wishes as always. I’m hoping your right and this baby is perfect, healthy and you get to hold him or her in your arms.

    1. Thanks hon <3 I'm still pretty queasy, but it's not every day anymore so that's something, and honestly, the days I don't have it I panic so as bad as it feels I kind of like it πŸ™‚

  10. I am so incredibly happy to hear things are going so well and to hear that the little baby is growing perfectly according to schedule! Cannot wait to hear about your next ultrasound – keep the good news coming! πŸ™‚

  11. I’m so happy for you, Jo <3
    Praying for you, as always, and looking forward to more positive baby news.

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