Anatomy Scan Done But No Answers Yet

We had the big anatomy scan today. It went well… I think. This is the first scan we’ve had that wasn’t done by our doctor or at least in the obstetrics department and didn’t get the results right away. Due to the technical nature of all the measurements, it had to be done at radiology on one of their higher quality machines and all the results have to be read by a radiologist for accuracy. This is great, but it meant that we had a technician taking all the measurements and although she was very friendly and sweet, she wasn’t allowed to tell us anything. Not so great. The good news is I didn’t pee my pants. I only had to wait in the waiting room for a few minutes past my appointment time and she took pity on me pretty quickly. She took the critical measurements first that required my bladder to be full for greater visibility like the placenta and spine, and then she let me go pee. The rest of the scan was done with the comfort of an empty bladder 🙂 The entire scan took about 45 minutes so I’m really thankful she didn’t make me suffer with a full bladder that whole time!

That’s about all I can say about the scan at this point. Little man was really active as usual, so it took her a bit of time to get the right measurements, but all in all she didn’t seemed too worried about anything. Every once in a while she’d make a noise which would alarm me, but then she’d laugh and say, “okay got it”, and at one point she said “you’re going to have your hands full with this one, he’s really active!” So if active is good, which I think it is, then hopefully all is good with baby! When we were done, she said the same thing my doctor did, that it would take a day or so for the Radiologist to review everything and then submit the report to my doctor. So we will hopefully have the final results by Wednesday. I thought I would feel better after the scan was done, but right now I feel even more anxious. I just want to know that everything is okay!

Here’s a profile view of little man from today.


The best part of my day happened when I got home. I had a surprise waiting for me on my doorstep 🙂 It was a another incredibly thoughtful and well-timed package from the lovely Elisha at Waiting for Baby Bird. She always seems to know when I need a little extra reassurance. Thank you so much Elisha <3 I feel so blessed to have made such a wonderful friend on this journey. Elisha’s unwavering faith has been such a constant source of strength for me on this journey and during this pregnancy. She has had her share of ups and downs on this journey, but always picks herself up and keeps believing stronger than ever. She is absolutely amazing! If you haven’t found her blog yet you really need to check it out:

So what did she send me?

A beautiful letter to remind me to hold strong to my faith that little man is just perfect and… a WeeBlock! What is a Weeblock? A little cover for his privates so he doesn’t pee on me when I change him 🙂 Love it!  Hilarious!


She said she wanted to make me giggle and I did! Made the hubby laugh too. Hope it made you all laugh too 🙂

That’s it for today. I will check back as soon as we have the results of the scan from my doctor. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers! <3



36 thoughts on “Anatomy Scan Done But No Answers Yet

  1. I have a feeling everything will be fine with your results. And Elisha is definitely one of the most diligent and thoughtful ladies that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting on this journey. So are you–thanks for checking on me. XOXO

  2. I found your blog today while searching for some hope for my own situation and I found it! I also have suffered through RPL and an ivf with pgd cycle where we had 11 eggs total, only 4 made it to blastocysts and 0 were normal after pgd. I then got pregnant naturally (5th pregnancy, no living children) and have made it to 11w2d. We were essentially told this wasn’t possible and to move on to donor eggs.

    Now we await the dreaded verifi test results which may come in any day now. I hope that like you I get good news despite the odds. I’ve been told that with my miscarriage history and the results of the pgd that I am high risk despite being 33 for chromosomal abnormalities. No one can tell me for sure just how high that risk is.

    Thank you for having this available publicly. Your story is very touching and I’m very sorry about your loss of Holdon – your video to him is lovely. Finally congrats on this baby boy! I look forward to reading about good news from the radiologist report!

    1. Thank you for sharing your story. Our stories are so similar! I was told the same thing. I was pretty scared for the MaterniT21 test (I think that’s the same as the verif test?), but I’m so glad I did it. It was a huge relief when it came back normal and we opted out of doing more invasive and risky tests like an amnio because of it. Now we just need the all clear on the anatomy scan and I’ll start to breath a little easier 🙂 I’m sending you a prayer that your results come back very soon and with good news. I know it’s so hard to not worry, I still do too, but just keep telling yourself the doctor’s don’t know everything. Most of them were dumbfounded that I kept getting pregnant at all so what do they know right? I hope you’ll check back with me and let me know how you and your little one are doing! Hugs <3

      1. We got the results early this morning! Negative for all tested trisomies and microdeletions. We are having (as far as they can tell right now) a healthy baby! The verifi test is essentially the same as the materniT21 – they check for free cell DNA from the baby.

        I know I won’t be able to relax, like you, until the baby is actually here but I am so happy for this miracle and to have gotten this far! I hope you get wonderful news from the doctors soon and can start to trust that your little man will be healthy.

        Once again, I just want to thank you for publicly sharing your story. Finding your blog the other day was exactly what I needed, exactly when I needed it. It takes a special bravery to not only go through this nightmare but to share about it openly and to try to help others. I will continue to follow your journey and hope to see the wonderful news continue to come in. Thank you for your kind response to my comment and for your prayers. Hugs to you too! <3

        1. Yay!!! I’m so happy and relieved for you! One more milestone down! I will continue to keep you and your little one in my prayers. Thank you for updating me. Please do check back in and let me know how you are when you can.

          Thanks so much. I’m so happy I was able to help you and give you inspiration to hold onto your own hope. Your story is so inspiring too! Hugs back <3

  3. Not having answers to totally sucks, but at least you have a cute little picture of the little guy and a wonderful gift from Elisha – she is so amazingly thoughtful. And what amazing timing!!

  4. I seriously cried with your sweet words and God is so good to always make the cards and gifts arrive at just the perfect time. No worries for the results! He is nestled in the palm of Gods almighty hand. Love ya girlie!! Xo

    1. Oh hon, your thoughtfulness made me cry too! Thank you so much. You are truly amazing my friend! God really is so good. I’m feeling so thankful for all these blessings, including friends like you. Love ya too hon <3

  5. Yay for an active baby boy! I have total faith that your scan results will be perfect, but wishing you peace of mind while you wait.

    1. Thank you so much hon <3 Wishing you peace of mind while you wait for your NT scan this week too though I have total faith that all will be just perfect with your little one as well!

  6. Our first anatomy scan in my one successful pregnancy was inconclusive and had to be repeated 2 weeks later – I was in distress, so I sympathize with your worry but like MLACS I do feel that everything will be okay when you get the results.

    Sweet Elisha – so lovely!

    1. How nerve-wracking! I bet you were worried! The tech did tell us we might have to go back in if the radiologist needs more measurements, but she made sure to tell us it doesn’t usually mean anything is wrong. So I’m guessing it must happen more often then I thought. I hope you are both right!

      Thanks for your support hon. It means so much!

  7. You made it to the anatomy scan – check off the milestone list for this little guy! I totally understand why you are worried but like everyone else, hoping and feeling like you will get good news tomorrow. Hugs!

    1. Thanks hon. It’s so true. Just to make it this far is huge! After we lost Holdon and with each miscarriage after that, I began to doubt we would ever get here again. I’m so incredibly thankful. Hugs back <3

  8. I have no doubt the tiny man is going to be perfect! But I m glad that everything is going perfectly so far!! I hope that the results come back quickly, though! He is already a looker!

  9. Oh, the torture. I can’t believe they make you wait several days for the results, but here’s to good news that you hopefully get today and to having one more big milestone behind you. I can’t wait for ours on Friday. And what a fun gift to get, I love it 😉

    1. Thanks hon ! The past 2 days have been torture! But I just posted an update. My doctor emailed me and everything is good with baby. I’m so relived!

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