Just a Quick Update

I’ve been meaning to write an update about my other 2 appointments last week for the past few days, but work has been crazy and I’ve been sooo tired! I’m 10 weeks 3 days pregnant today and the nausea and fatigue is still going strong. I’ve been going to bed really early every night and can’t seem to get enough rest right now. Praying this is all a really good sign! Last week we had 3 appointments. There was our last appointment with our RE, Dr. K, on Wednesday which went well and I posted about in my previous post 9 Weeks 5 Days and All is Good! Baby was measuring perfectly and moving his or her little arms around. It was amazing. This is the furthest we have gotten in pregnancy since I was pregnant with my son in 2009 and we all know how that one ended. So needless to say, this was a huge milestone! We left Dr. K with a big hug, and said good bye to her with a promise to keep her updated. This brought us to Thursday. We were finally done seeing Dr. K and ready to start seeing our regular OB, Dr. S.…Continue reading Just a Quick Update