NT Scan

Today we had our Nuchal Translucency scan and all looked really good! The NT measurement was 1.1mm and anything under 3mm is considered low risk for Downs, so yay! So far so good 🙂 Baby is still measuring right on track at 11 weeks 4 days today and we saw baby’s perfect little hand waving at us. We could see all the fingers! It was amazing! Unfortunately, I don’t have a photo to post today because baby was moving up a storm and all the pics the tech took came out really blurry. I had to pee so bad, so eventually we gave up and just took the best one, which was also really blurry. I’m regretting not having my hubby take some video because baby looked amazing, the pics just didn’t come out clear. Oh well, guess we’ll just have to wait until my next OB appointment. Dr. S does an ultrasound at every appointment so we’ll get more pics in a few weeks 🙂 Other big news for today is baby is finally big enough to use the doppler so we now know the heart rate. It’s 161 bpm! I think there’s an old wives tale that says…Continue reading NT Scan