MaterniT21/NIPT Results are In!

This morning I was lying in bed scrolling through my email on my phone and procrastinating getting up and starting my day when the best email ever popped into my inbox. It was from the genetic counselor. I immediately burst into tears without even reading it yet because I knew it was good news. She told us she would email the results if it was good news and only call if something came back that we needed to discuss. Seeing that email in my inbox brought on a flood of happy emotions. I finally got control over my emotions and logged onto my Kaiser account and read the message: Subject heading: Good news on your test results  (fresh tears of joy) I just wanted to let you know that the results of your non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) through Verinata are NORMAL. The test results are negative with the following interpretation: Results are consistent with the normal number of chromosomes 21, 18, 13 (more tears) and… sex chromosomes (XY). Results suggest that the baby is most likely a boy. A Boy! (full on bawling again 🙂 Happy tears!) Thank you, thank you God! Gotta love that “most likely” comment thrown in…Continue reading MaterniT21/NIPT Results are In!