12 Weeks 5 Days

I’m 12 Weeks 5 Days pregnant today! It’s so hard to believe! I’m only 2 days away from closing out my 13th week and starting the second trimester! I think. I’m not the only one who seems to be confused about this.  Does the second trimester begin at 13 weeks or 14 weeks? I think it begins at 13 weeks, I.e., 13 weeks 1 day. I think the confusion stems from the fact that in most of the literature, the 14th week begins at 13 Weeks 1 Day so when some resources say 14 weeks, I think they actually mean the 14th week, not at exactly 14 weeks. Does this make sense? All my pregnancy books indicate that the second trimester begins on Sunday at the start of my 14th week (13 Weeks 1 Day). Baby Center says 14 Weeks, but it’s not clear if they mean at the start of the 14th week or the end. Ah! It’s all so confusing! So I’ve decided to just pick one and I’m choosing to go with 13 Weeks. So Saturday will mark the end of the first trimester and Sunday will mark the beginning of the second. Is that cheating? Thoughts?…Continue reading 12 Weeks 5 Days