34 Weeks and Growing a Super Human

We had another doctor appointment with Dr. S yesterday, and all was perfect, and baby is still measuring over 2 weeks ahead at over 6lbs!!! I texted a good friend of mine after the appointment, and she replied with… “no wonder you’re starting to get so uncomfortable, you’re growing a super human!” I couldn’t stop laughing at that, but in all seriousness – holy crap! I still have 5 weeks to go until c-section day, and little (big) man is measuring just a few ounces less than my new baby niece was at birth! Don’t get me wrong, I am beyond thrilled that baby boy is measuring so well! It’s amazing! And Dr. S said, because I don’t have gestational diabetes and I haven’t gained too much weight, she isn’t concerned and the ultrasound measurements should be pretty accurate. Basically, I’m all baby 🙂 She also said with my history, having a big baby is fantastic. She couldn’t be happier with this outcome and neither can we. He could be delivered today and not have to spend any time in the NICU! Having said that, don’t get any ideas little guy! We want you to stay put for these last…Continue reading 34 Weeks and Growing a Super Human