Holy Appointments!

Today, I met with the main nurse at Dr. S’ office (my regular OB) to get myself officially in the Kaiser Permanente system as pregnant and schedule my first OB appointment. They’re real sticklers for protocol at Kaiser. Even though, I’m 8 1/2 weeks pregnant and I’ve had 2 betas and 2 ultrasounds and Dr. K is also a doctor within the Kaiser system, she’s an RE not a regular OB so I had to go through the Kaiser prenatal intake process in order to schedule my first appointment with Dr. S. The intake process consisted of filling out a long prenatal history questionnaire, which led to a long conversation with the nurse, where I had to explain my history of HELLP Syndrome and the death of my son with my first pregnancy, then my subsequent 3 miscarriages, then IVF and PGD with FET that failed, followed by a chemical pregnancy the very next cycle, and after all of that, pregnant again 2 cycles later naturally with #6. To give the nurse credit, she tried to be delicate about it, but said, “let me get this clear, this is your 6th pregnancy and you have no living children?” All I…Continue reading Holy Appointments!