IVF and PGD Part 2 – Injections Day 9

Today is day 9 of injections and day 7 of Stims and so far so good. I had another monitoring appointment today and the 8 follicles are doing well and measuring between 14mm to 16mm. There are a few smaller ones measuring around 11mm so we may actually have a few more if they catch up to the rest. We’ll see. I know something is happening because I can really feel a lot of pressure in my uterus and ovaries. Pressure is good! I’ll take it if it means good things to come! If things continue to progress as they have been, we should be good to trigger on Saturday evening. We want to be around 20mm before we do the trigger. I have another monitoring appointment on Saturday morning, so I’ll find out then. Fingers crossed! My hubby is making popcorn and we’re going to settle in and watch a movie. I will write more on Saturday after my appointment. Hopefully with good news that were about to trigger! Happy Thanksgiving! May the spirit of the holiday bring good things for all of us!