Long Overdue Update

It’s been so long since I posted an update, I really don’t even know where to begin. First of all, everything is good. Archer is doing well and growing like a weed. He’s exceeding milestones and seems to be growing and changing every single day. At his 2-month check up, he was in the 99th percentile for height and 53rd for weight. He’s made up for his slow start to gaining weight and then some! We have his next well baby appointment on Monday, which I’m really looking forward to and dreading at the same time. I can’t wait to see how much he’s grown, but I’m dreading his next round of vaccinations. His 2-month vaccinations were brutal. He cried so much after he got them and had a fever for 3 days. I really hope it won’t be as bad this time around. Now, to why I haven’t written in so long… breastfeeding. This has not gone as I had envisioned. Archer still likes to camp out on the breast for well over an hour and I still can’t seem to produce enough milk for him. In order to have some sanity and time to get a few things…Continue reading Long Overdue Update

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Happy New Year everyone! I can’t believe it’s been a month since my last update and Archer is already almost 5 weeks old! I feel like such a delinquent blogger! I actually sat down to write this post so many times, but Archer would need me and I never got around to finishing it. I want to start off by saying a big thank you to everyone for all your love and support. I am completely overwhelmed by all your comments and I just wanted to send you all so much love back! <3  I attempted to reply to all your comments but only half of my responses updated. Please know I wasn’t ignoring you! The WordPress app can be so finicky sometimes! I told myself I wouldn’t let my blog slide after our little miracle was born, but somehow that’s exactly what happened. I feel so bad especially with so much going on with all of you! Please know I am still reading all your posts and even though I haven’t been commenting as often as I usually do, I’m constantly thinking about all of you. I have no excuse for not writing. Everything is great with Archer and…Continue reading Time Flies When You're Having Fun!