Quick Update: 14 Weeks 4 Days

I don’t have that much new to report on, but just wanted to let you all know I’m still here and doing okay. I’m 14 Weeks 4 Days pregnant today. It’s so hard to believe I’ve made it this far! So far all is going well. I’m feeling a lot more like myself these days. I’m still feeling a bit dizzy and light headed, but it’s not as often as a couple weeks ago. The nausea is mostly gone now too. Other than the occasional headache, I’m feeling pretty good these days. Which of course terrifies me! I know this is normal for the second trimester, but it’s hard not to worry. My last scan was at 11W4D. I think I’ll feel better after my next OB appt and scan on Tuesday. I hate that I’m still living from appointment to appointment right now and wonder when and if I’ll ever let go and really relax, but it’s just so hard. Tuesday can’t come soon enough! In other news, tarakay21.wordpress.com and myperfectbreakdown.com, the bloggers I invited to participate in the blog hop, posted their blog hop posts this week. If you haven’t had a chance to read them yet, check…Continue reading Quick Update: 14 Weeks 4 Days

NT Scan

Today we had our Nuchal Translucency scan and all looked really good! The NT measurement was 1.1mm and anything under 3mm is considered low risk for Downs, so yay! So far so good 🙂 Baby is still measuring right on track at 11 weeks 4 days today and we saw baby’s perfect little hand waving at us. We could see all the fingers! It was amazing! Unfortunately, I don’t have a photo to post today because baby was moving up a storm and all the pics the tech took came out really blurry. I had to pee so bad, so eventually we gave up and just took the best one, which was also really blurry. I’m regretting not having my hubby take some video because baby looked amazing, the pics just didn’t come out clear. Oh well, guess we’ll just have to wait until my next OB appointment. Dr. S does an ultrasound at every appointment so we’ll get more pics in a few weeks 🙂 Other big news for today is baby is finally big enough to use the doppler so we now know the heart rate. It’s 161 bpm! I think there’s an old wives tale that says…Continue reading NT Scan

Just a Quick Update

I’ve been meaning to write an update about my other 2 appointments last week for the past few days, but work has been crazy and I’ve been sooo tired! I’m 10 weeks 3 days pregnant today and the nausea and fatigue is still going strong. I’ve been going to bed really early every night and can’t seem to get enough rest right now. Praying this is all a really good sign! Last week we had 3 appointments. There was our last appointment with our RE, Dr. K, on Wednesday which went well and I posted about in my previous post 9 Weeks 5 Days and All is Good! Baby was measuring perfectly and moving his or her little arms around. It was amazing. This is the furthest we have gotten in pregnancy since I was pregnant with my son in 2009 and we all know how that one ended. So needless to say, this was a huge milestone! We left Dr. K with a big hug, and said good bye to her with a promise to keep her updated. This brought us to Thursday. We were finally done seeing Dr. K and ready to start seeing our regular OB, Dr. S.…Continue reading Just a Quick Update

9 Weeks 5 Days and All is Good!

Our final appointment with Dr. K and scan today went really well! Our little bean looks amazing! He or she is still measuring a few days ahead of schedule at 9 Weeks, 5 Days today, and was moving his or her little arms all over the place. It was the most amazing sight ever! I had worked myself up into such a nervous mess before my appointment today, and the clinic, which is usually always right on schedule, was a half hour behind. I realize this is really not that long of a wait, but it was torture today! By the time the doctor walked into our room, I thought I would burst from anxiety, so when our little bean came up on the screen and Dr. K, said everything looked great, I completely lost it and bawled my eyes out. I can’t believe we’ve made it this far! I’m so relieved! Thank you God! Thank you, thank you! We still have a long way to go and if we get far enough along, I’ll have the re-occurrence of HELLP Syndrome to worry about too, but the progress we’ve made so far is huge! I’m still so nervous, but have…Continue reading 9 Weeks 5 Days and All is Good!

Holy Appointments!

Today, I met with the main nurse at Dr. S’ office (my regular OB) to get myself officially in the Kaiser Permanente system as pregnant and schedule my first OB appointment. They’re real sticklers for protocol at Kaiser. Even though, I’m 8 1/2 weeks pregnant and I’ve had 2 betas and 2 ultrasounds and Dr. K is also a doctor within the Kaiser system, she’s an RE not a regular OB so I had to go through the Kaiser prenatal intake process in order to schedule my first appointment with Dr. S. The intake process consisted of filling out a long prenatal history questionnaire, which led to a long conversation with the nurse, where I had to explain my history of HELLP Syndrome and the death of my son with my first pregnancy, then my subsequent 3 miscarriages, then IVF and PGD with FET that failed, followed by a chemical pregnancy the very next cycle, and after all of that, pregnant again 2 cycles later naturally with #6. To give the nurse credit, she tried to be delicate about it, but said, “let me get this clear, this is your 6th pregnancy and you have no living children?” All I…Continue reading Holy Appointments!

Jelly Bean is 7 Weeks 4 Days!

We had our second scan today and Jelly Bean is still doing great! He or she is still measuring a couple days ahead of schedule at 7 weeks 4 days and the little heart was beating away good and strong. Oh, and the mystery second sphere from last weeks’ scan was not visible at all today, so I’m now satisfied with the mirror image explanation from last week and we only have one sac and one baby which is just fine! With my history of HELLP Syndrome, it’s very dangerous for me to carry multiples so I’m actually very relieved. Dr K said everything looks really great. She even asked us if we wanted to move onto our regular OB from this point on. This was a natural pregnancy so I know some of the staff at Dr. K’s office are probably wondering what I’m doing there since she’s an RE and is really hard to book time with, but she was the first specialist I saw for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and I just feel like I still need a little extra hand holding right now, so we decided to go back to Dr. K for one more scan in…Continue reading Jelly Bean is 7 Weeks 4 Days!

"Let Your Faith Be Bigger Than Your Fear"

The past few days have been rough. I’m so tired and emotional. The hubby and I had a fight over something stupid yesterday morning and I spent the rest of the day crying while trying to work. I’ve been crying a lot the past few days. I can’t even say why exactly, I guess it’s just the extra hormones and worry. I’m still feeling symptoms, but they seem to come and go. The only constant symptom is exhaustion which seems to be getting worse. I want to crawl right back into bed and sleep the day away right after getting up every day. I’m so happy to feel it because it’s the only reassurance I have that this might be okay. It’s been challenging getting anything done though. As for the other symptoms, they come and go. It’s very disconcerting, and I feel like I’m having an emotional breakdown. One minute I feel positive that this time is going to be different, but then I remember that I have bad eggs and the odds of this going well aren’t great. This is my 6th pregnancy and I have no living children. I’m not sure I can handle another loss. I’m…Continue reading "Let Your Faith Be Bigger Than Your Fear"