Day 3

Today, my embryos should have reached day 3 blastocyst. I had to physically hold myself back from calling the clinic to see how they’re doing. Typically, the clinic would call with daily reports, but since we’re not planning on transferring until PGD is complete, the stages in between don’t mean too much, and it’s counter productive to talk about how they’re doing right now when it’s the end result we need to know. Of course, that doesn’t prevent me from thinking about them and wondering how they’re doing. It’s taking everything I’ve got to sit tight and try to not think about them 24/7. In this case though, I’m going to stock it up to “no news is good news”, if they weren’t doing well, Dr. J would call to tell me. So at least for now, I have to believe that at least some of them are still going strong. We did everything we could do, now it’s out of our hands. We just have to have faith. In the meantime, I just have to keep distracting myself.

Day 3 Distraction Activity: Enjoying Sushi and Curling Up on the Couch with a Good Book

My hubby is away for the next 4 days, and I was feeling lazy tonight and didn’t feel like cooking just for me, so I got some take out sushi. It was delicious. I love sushi, and if all goes well with our embryos, we might be pregnant again soon and as much as I love it, I hope I won’t be able to eat it for a long time!


I’m tired from driving my husband to the airport early this morning, and then working and running around all day, so I’ve decided to just cuddle with my kitties on the couch with a book and a cup of tea. It’s not a very creative distraction activity, but I really think losing yourself in a good book is the perfect distraction for almost anything.

20131205-182953.jpgBefore I get back to my book, I just want to sign off by taking a moment to pray for Nelson Mandela, his family and all the lives he’s touched. He was an extraordinary man. When I think about all he did for this world and the challenges he faced, I feel incredibly sad for his loss, but also inspired. He was a truly amazing man and he proved that anything can happen if we try hard enough. 

12 thoughts on “Day 3

  1. XOXO a book and tea sound wonderful, I’ve been rotting my brain with television and I would feel so much classier if I were reading a book and drinking tea instead. Viva los embryos! RIP Nelson Mandela! XO

  2. I had sushi right before my transfer in the hopes that I wouldn’t see it for a long while as well :). Come on little embryos – you can do it for day 5!

      1. I am testing out the trigger right now – it’s almost gone so my plan is to start testing for reals on Monday. I just can’t go until 12/15 (when the beta is scheduled) without knowing if it’s good or bad.

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